Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why can't I do anything right?

My parents are never happy with what I do or want to do. I've worked some extremely varied and back-breaking jobs. I worked with my father as a custodian for a few years and now I'm going to college and still can't seem to make my parents happy. My mother just told me today that going to college is a cover up for not wanting to work. I got really angry when she said that and went for a drive. I don't believe my parents ever had enough confidence in me throughout my entire life, though they would argue otherwise. I was in the Marine Corps for a little over 2 years which didn't help at all. After I got out, my parents still didn't support my wanting to act but they paid back an educational loan that was nearly 10K for computer cles which never got me anywhere. So, am I gonna be stuck working as a custodian like my father for the rest of my life? I sure as hell hope not. Not that it's a bad job or anything but I have more skills than what a custodial position expects.

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